Authors are requested to strictly follow the below mentioned submission guidelines:
- Manuscript must be in English language
- File must be in Microsoft Word format. (Preferably Word 2007)
- Paper size: A4, Font & size: Times New Roman 12, whereas the title must be in 14-point size, bold.
- Spacing: One and a half, Margin: 1 inch on all four sides.
- Word – limit: Minimum: 2500 Maximum: 5000 words
- Only those papers will be granted for review which are not published elsewhere or submitted for publication.
- The authors will have to strictly follow MLA 8th or later editions in preparing their papers.
- Authors are requested to use endnote instead of footnote.
- Authors cannot use their names anywhere in the manuscript except in the title page. Please mention the details of your institutional affiliation after your name, on the title page.
- All manuscripts must include a maximum 250 words abstract, next to the title page.
- Add about 4 to 5 keywords one line below the abstract.
- Each manuscript must carry a duly signed declaration that it is an original work and has not been submitted anywhere else for publication, and a brief bio-note of 150 words of the respective author’s name, postal address, designation, affiliation, specialization, mail-id, contact no. etc) towards the end of the paper. Do not send your bio-note in a separate file.
- The papers submitted should evince serious academic work contributing to new knowledge and innovative critical perspectives on the subject explored.
- Authors are to follow the strict ethics of writing scholarly papers and be aware of plagiarism.
- Authors are requested to submit their manuscript to The order of the content must be as per the following sequence:
- Title page with the author’s name and institutional details
- Abstract and Keywords
- Main body of the text
- End note (if needed)
- References
- Declaration and Bio-note
Submission deadlines:
- Abstract of the paper: 30 April 2023
- Full text of the paper: 30 May 2023