Al Shifa College of Arts and Science (ACAS) commenced its activities in the year 2020. Affiliated to the University of Calicut, the College offers Undergraduate programmes under five streams. Located on a 30-acre sprawling, green campus at Perinthalmanna, the college aspires to grow into an institution of national eminence, with quality teaching learning practices, global perspective and a social mission to empower the young as capable human beings. The College is run by the Shifa Medicare Trust which has more than two decades of experience in the field of professional health education with Nursing, Paramedical and Pharmacy Colleges under its wings.

Into the third year, ACAS has placed itself in a league of its own with a pro- future, skill-focused curriculum that lays studied emphasis on aptitude enhancement and attitude grooming. The learning experience that the students live through in the campus is modelled on the best campuses, with new pathways explored and added time and again. The well-rounded years of learning/living they pass through capacitates the young learners to feel empowered and envisioned to encounter a world which they still rather unsure about.

Located in a serene, rural surrounding, the campus aspires to rewrite the teaching learning practices at the Undergraduate and Graduate levels and establish a line of programmes aimed at tackling the intellectual and career needs of the emerging world. Al Shifa College of Arts & Science plans to introduce game changing programmes which will be genuinely contemporary and internationally sought after. Our content delivery, interaction and engagement with the students will be towards building a relationship which empowers the young to know oneself and to know the world, to upskill themselves and to be career-ready and life-ready.

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