31 Jul 2022

AHELS Website Launch

The Website on Al Shifa Higher Education Leadership Summit (AHELS ’23) was launched on 31 July ’22 by Dr. Godwin Samraj, Controller of Examinations, University of Calicut. Release of the brochure of the Summit was also done on the occasion. The theme of the summit scheduled on 13 & 14 June 2023 is “Higher Education Leadership: Emerging Paradigms”. Presentations and posters are invited for the Summit. The deadlines for the submission of abstracts and papers for the Summit are 14 February 2023 and 14 April 2023 respectively. The Summit provides a platform for scholars and academics to engage in productive discussions on policies, opportunities and challenges in the Leadership outlooks in the Higher Education sector. The initiatives such as AHELS are of great significance, opined Mr. Samraj, as they can offer right answers to the uncertainties and queries posed by the digital challenges of the new era.

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